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Two colleagues doing a fist bump

Xerox Recognized as one of the World’s Most Reputable Companies of 2019

We’re honored to be recognized by Forbes in this year’s list of World’s Most Reputable Companies. As a company, we strive to align our reputation with our brand through exemplifying authenticity, ethical behavior and product value in all initiatives.

Forbes and Reputation Institute, a reputation management services firm, surveyed over 230,000 individuals in 15 different countries from January to February 2019 to arrive at a list of most reputable companies, taking revenue, brand familiarity and brand perceptions into consideration. As today’s technologies and capabilities have found organizations under a constant microscope, Xerox continues to make a concerted effort towards exemplifying and maintaining our legacy and values both internally and externally.

Learn more about the World’s Most Reputable Companies of 2019.

Premi e riconoscimenti

  • Just Company justlogo

    Xerox nominata nella classifica JUST 100

    Superiamo la concorrenza in aree quali la retribuzione e il trattamento dei dipendenti, la creazione di opportunità lavorative e il coinvolgimento nella comunità.

  • Hands holding a tablet with a photo of plants on the screen

    EPA premia Xerox per la leadership nella sostenibilità

    Scopri come i programmi innovativi di Xerox aiutano a garantire un mondo migliore per le generazioni future.
